Say Thanks More Journal Softbound

Say Thanks More Journal Softbound
The original Say Thanks More journal is complete with 6 months worth of daily gratitude prompts to practice gratitude and mindfulness. You will find different gratitude and/or mindfulness prompts for each day of the week.
The journal is a soft-bound book with simple writing prompts for every day of the week to help you practice daily gratitude. There are also blank lines for you to fill as you wish to do with thoughts, lists, or ideas. A grateful heart helps positively shift our attention as we become more sensitive to future gratitude experiences. Consistent gratitude practice provides a foundation for the skills that support mindfulness as we go about our daily routines.
Please note that orders will be shipped by Friday 4 PM PST of the week ordered, if ordered before 11:59 PM on Thursday. Orders placed after 12 AM on Fridays will be shipped by the following Friday.
I have spent the last two and half years dedicated to my morning gratitude journaling. Along with many others, I have found that doing so helps me to be my best self because I have the tools to walk through every day with an abundance mindset.
Gratitude draws us into the present moment, allows us to find our fearless, speak our minds, and trust that every outcome is the BEST POSSIBLE THING.
Living in gratitude reminds us that it’s important to slow down and focus on the small moments of joy we can find throughout everyday. Being present in these moments can help us transition to think positively when things change or don’t turn out as we had hoped.
Consistent gratitude expression is important. YES thinking about gratitude is still effective but not as effective as expressing gratitude. Research shows that writing out gratitudes can shift your focus away from negative feelings/thoughts. Research also suggests that regular gratitude journaling can make it harder for us to dwell on negative experiences. Studies show that individuals who regularly EXPRESS gratitude have higher activity in their medial prefrontal cortex of the brain which is associated with moral and social cognition, reward, empathy, and value judgement.